CPUT Blackboard

CPUT Blackboard, CPUT students and lecturers now have free access to the mobile MyClassroom/Blackboard app.

The Blackboard app is a simple and easy-to-use, mobile learning app for the on-the-go, goal-oriented learner and lecturer. Designed specifically for students and lecturers the app is your one stop-shop for announcements, content, communication and even assignments and assessments.

The lecturers’ app is called ‘Instructor’ while the students’ app is called ‘Blackboard’.

Providing easy and ubiquitous access to educational content and other learning activities is a prime objective of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technology (CIET). “We will explore opportunities to allow all students access.

Click here to access the CPUT BLACKBOARD

All Users

Read the article about the Blackboard app in the CPUT Bulletin at http://www.cput.ac.za/blogs/bulletin/2018/02/27/cput-myclassroom-is-going-mobile/

You can also access your subjects through the Blackboard Mobile application, available from your smartphone’s app store. There is also a Blackboard Instructor app available for lecturing staff.

If you are still using a desktop, please ensure that you have Explorer 11 installed as previous version may have issues whilst browsing some content. Google Chrome can be used as alternative.


All applications are loaded onto the CPUT system. Once loaded onto the system, an sms will be sent to you acknowledging that the institution has received your application. Note, this is not an acceptance notice.

Track your application

Prospective applicants, who have handed in an application form, can track the progress of their application online or by calling.

Track application status online

Contact numbers:

CPUT Call Centre
Tel: +27 21 959 6767
Tel: 086 123 2788
Email: [email protected]

Bellville Campus Admissions Office
Tel: +27 21 959 6256
Tel: +27 21 959 6270

District Six Campus Admissions Office
Tel: +27 21 460 3393
Tel: +27 21 460 3861

Please note, when you contact the institution, you will need to provide the Call Centre Agent or Admission’s Officer with your identity number or passport number.

Start studying

Successful candidates will be notified in writing of their acceptance to the institution. You will be informed of the registration dates and times as well as the commencement of class.

Submit your final marks 2024

Students who applied with their Grade 11 and mid-year Grade 12 marks must submit a certified copy of their final Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification marks at the beginning of the academic year.  Students who do not submit their final marks will lose their provisional acceptance.